Misspent Uke is a group of musicians who play ukuleles and sing popular music.
The number in the group depends on the nature of the booking but is usually from 5 to 12.
We will provide entertainment, often free of charge, for charity or community events but also
perfrom at private functions and public gigs.
Misspent Uke Newcaastle
Misspent Ukes Newcaastle
Deliverables and Assessment Criteria
- 1 work based on CEP experience
- Selection of works negotiated with tutor, equal to 400 hours work
- Sketches of completed work and work in progress
- Evidence of involvement with realisation of examples
- Written rationale
Assessment Criteria
- compose creatively and effectively
- body of work = 400 hours study
- diverse range of compositional elements
- engage with performance/recording to realise finished work
- present in a suitably notated/documentary/archived format
- utilise/extend performance skills
- convey composition intentions to performers
- manage rehearsals and performance situations