Misspent Uke is a group of musicians who play ukuleles and sing popular music.
The number in the group depends on the nature of the booking but is usually from 5 to 12.
We will provide entertainment, often free of charge, for charity or community events but also
perfrom at private functions and public gigs.
Misspent Uke Newcaastle
Misspent Ukes Newcaastle
Write at the end, but initial possibilities are
- Music is art and I want to be creative and produce innovative stuff.
..... songs because that is what I do most of at the moment
..... instrumentals, because I want to explore guitar and piano and perhaps electro music
- I'm required to include at least 1 piece related to the CEP. May include more because another interest I have is the composer as facilitator rather than as dictator
- Previously done some work on soundtracks. If I can get a suitable film to work with this would be valuable experience
- Though music is art, musicians have to live, and I might manage to convince myself to try awful stuff like Jingles and theme tunes