Misspent Uke is a group of musicians who play ukuleles and sing popular music. The number in the group depends on the nature of the booking but is usually from 5 to 12. We will provide entertainment, often free of charge, for charity or community events but also perfrom at private functions and public gigs. Misspent Uke Newcaastle Misspent Ukes Newcaastle
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Song for Lizzie
Choir, Sloop John B
East Virginia
Stupid Cupid
Some Days are Diamomds
Don't know much about history
Bad in every man
I'm a believer
Watching Scottie Grow
Putting on the agony
Do Ron Ron
Roseville Fair
Fiddle and Percussion
Blue Moon of Kentucky
Buttons and Bows
Freight Train
Hello Mary Lou
When I hear that whistle blowing
Yippie yi yo ki yay
I can see clearly now
All my loving
Oh Carol
Lets talk dirty in Hawaiian
On the Bayou
On the Roof
Over the Rainbow
My old man's a dustman
Wish they'd do it now